What Makes Ground Mount Structures Ideal For Solar Energy Generation When we think of solar panels, we visualize them on the roof of our house. That’s where we have commonly seen them, right? Even though rooftop installations are the most common, they can also be installed in other settings. The most preferred rooftop is the ground-mounted solar setup. In this blog, we will help you understand what a ground-mounted setup is, its strength and weaknesses, and different types, and things to consider if you’re planning to install one. Before understanding what exactly is a ground mounting structure, let us quickly understand what are mounting structures. Mounting structures are the skeleton or a framework of a solar panel. It holds these solar panels in place . Refer to our previous blog to know more about solar mounts So, what is a ground-mounted solar panel system? A ground-mounted solar power system is a group of solar panels mounted on the ground on a sup...